Sunday, November 11, 2012

¿Vos Tenés Facebook?

In the past two and a half months or so since I have arrived in Uruguay I have had many opportunities to meet new people from not only Uruguay but from all over South America and the globe.  This pattern is also reflected in my Facebook profile as my newsfeed is a mix of Spanish and English but have you ever wondered exactly how the world is linked by Facebook?  This site maps the relationship between countries based on the amount of Facebook friendships between the two countries.  The results are very interesting. Some relationships such as the large amount of friendships between Mexico and the United States or between Uruguay and Argentina seem pretty logical while others, such as the fact that the Democratic Republic of Congo is the second most connected country to Ecuador are a little more puzzling.  I originally found this on the Gustavus Adolphus College Geography department blog and thought it was too fascinating to not reblog it!!


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